Alchohol and ADHD meds

@tiktok.collegedoc College students with ADHD need to know how alcohol interacts with ADHD stimulant meds like Vyvanse, Adderall, Ritalin, etc. College heakth tios from the TikTok CollegeDoc! #collegelife #adhdtiktok #adhdmeds #drinkingtiktok #collegehealthtips #alcohol #collegeproblems ♬ original sound – Jill Grimes, MD

College students with ADHD need to know how alcohol interacts with ADHD stimulant meds like Vyvanse, Adderall, Ritalin, etc. College health tips from the TikTok CollegeDoc!

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (Shhhhh…let’s talk about hangovers)

Is there any better day to discuss HANGOVERS? Here’s hoping your New Year’s Eve overflowed with more fun than alcohol, but just in case…let’s talk.

What causes hangovers? Well, drinking too much alcohol- duh! But on a physical level, we also know that:

  • Alcohol tells the kidneys to make more urine (by turning off the anti-diuretic hormone, for the curious) so yes, this dehydrates your body
  • Dehydration (from anything- sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) can cause headaches and muscle aches, or make you lightheaded (especially when you go from lying down to sitting up, or sitting to standing)
  • Alcohol causes your
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Spring Break 2018: Know Your Limit

Spring Break is here, and students everywhere are gearing up for a week-long party. ALCOHOL is typically a focus of these festivities, so let’s review some facts about alcohol dangers. In recent years, studies show that about a third of college students admit to binge drinking (consuming 5 or more drinks in a row.) The good news is that this number is down over 15% from over the last two decades, and actually, drinking trends in ALL categories are decreasing- whether the measurement is annual consumption, monthly, weekly or number of binging episodes. A great tool to educate yourself (or … Read more

Pre-Gaming with ADD Meds…A Dangerous Party Plan

Binge drinking in college students is not exactly breaking news. My patients repeatedly explain “if you can’t handle five shots of vodka, you are pretty lame”. They toss back multiple shots, have beers, then top off with mixed drinks. Hit the replay button once or twice, and the weekend is over. On Monday morning, they head back to class, seeming none-the-worse for wear beyond a headache. How is this possible? Especially for adolescents who are only STARTING to drink, how exactly can they tolerate this volume of alcohol? I started asking…and heard the same answer, over and over. “Well, to … Read more