2020 3-Day Detox Diet (aka. Dr. Grimes’ World-Famous SuperDoc Cleanse)

Cheers to a Healthy 2020!

As we face the new year, many of us are looking to jumpstart our health. If you’re like me, during holiday celebrations, you may have happily over-indulged in treats, sweets and celebratory liquid calories, but now it’s time to face the scale (or the jeans), own the numbers and reprioritize. Do we NEED a “cleanse” to DETOX? Nope, that’s what our kidneys, lungs, liver, and spleen do for us. Forcing fluids up, down, around or through our GI tract does not “detox” anything. However, so many of my patients have tried unhealthy “detox” methods or … Read more

Doctor, How Do YOU Stay Thin? My Not-So-Secret Revealed…

But Dr. Grimes, YOU don’t have to worry about YOUR weight- you’re tiny! You don’t know what it is like to struggle with your weight.” 

Every time I hear this from a patient, I am not sure if I should laugh or cry. While yes, there are some people out there who seem to be able to eat whatever they want and never exercise, and yet stay thin, healthy, gorgeous, rich and let’s throw in perfect in every way (ha!), MOST people who appear healthy make very conscious choices to keep themselves there. As my close friends can attest, I … Read more

Which Diet is Best for Weight Loss?

Now there is the million dollar question, right? Interestingly, despite billions of health care dollars being spent on “diets”, there are not recent high level studies in the medical literature to support touting one weight loss diet highly above all the rest. In 2001, there was a scientific review of popular diets by Freedman, King, & Kennedy, that concluded “low fat, low calorie diets are the most successful in maintaining weight loss.” Note- this is in MAINTAINING weight loss, not LOSING weight. Ultimately, as should come as little or no surprise, CALORIC BALANCE is the major determinant of weight loss, … Read more