Over the weekend, I was featured on CNN in the report “What parents should know about student substance abuse.” That’s so exciting! Follow this link to see it on my YouTube channel.
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What parents don’t know about student drug use
Thanks to CNN Health for helping me increase awareness and promote discussion about the rapidly changing culture of college student drug use. Follow this link to read the story.
The ULTIMATE College Student Health Handbook
I’m excited to announce that the 3rd edition of my passion project, The ULTIMATE College Student Health Handbook: Your Guide for Everything from Hangovers to Homesickness, is now available. If you’re new here, welcome! My name is Jill Grimes, MD, better known as “Dr. Jill” or “the College Doc”. I’m a board-certified family physician who enjoyed private practice for roughly 20 years, then switched my focus to teen and young adult health. I treated college students in an on-campus university urgent care setting for about 7 years, until the pandemic hit, and I pivoted to public health initiatives. As … Read more
Top Five Best Gifts for College Students
In the final stretch of holiday season, what can you purchase for the college student who has “everything”? From the perspective of a COLLEGE CAMPUS DOC and mom of two college students, here are my top five gift choices: (Disclaimer: NO financial ties to any products mentioned)
- Weighted blanket: Expensive ($100+)? Yes, relatively, but for anyone dealing with anxiety or insomnia, these are worth their weight (pun intended) in gold. These blankets feel like a massively prolonged hug, and have been shown to reduce anxiety and improve sleep. Any brand works, but if your student is particular about