Getting ANXIOUS for FINALS? Try This!

Intense test anxiety affects up to 20% of college students, and this time of year is the worst. Finals are approaching, projects and papers are due, and added pressure from mistakes earlier in the semester can push students over the edge. What’s the difference between appropriate “nerves” and serious test anxiety?

With a typical student, test day adrenaline might cause extra bathroom trips up until the test starts, a racing heart and anxious anticipation, but once she starts answering questions, the physical symptoms subside enough for the student to focus effectively.

The student with intense test anxiety, however, accelerates … Read more

What’s the BUZZ? Caffeine vs. Alcohol

We all know that caffeine is a stimulant, and most of us have a daily dose to fight fatigue and pep us up. So why create caffeinated ALCOHOLIC drinks? Doesn’t that seem counter intuitive to put a stimulant (caffeine) with a sedative (alcohol)? A recent interesting high quality study, Acute impact of caffeinated alcoholic beverages on cognition: A systematic review points out a few facts you might want to share with your favorite college student…

  • Energy drinks combined with alcohol DO decrease fatigue and “PERCEPTION of intoxication”
  • However, despite FEELING unimpaired, complex tasks such as driving definitely ARE impaired.
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Skier’s Toe

Ever been skiing and noticed your toenail had turned black and incredibly painful at the end of the day? Was the entire nail black or only the base? “Skier’s toe” is a common and often very frustrating injury from skiing.

The medical term is a subungual hematoma, which simply means bleeding under the nail. This can occur from a single instance of trauma like dropping something on your toe, or from small, repetitive trauma like a too-small or too-big ski boot (which allows your foot to slip back and forth, slamming your toes repeatedly).

If YOUR toenail is black and … Read more

Spring Break 2018: Know Your Limit

Spring Break is here, and students everywhere are gearing up for a week-long party. ALCOHOL is typically a focus of these festivities, so let’s review some facts about alcohol dangers. In recent years, studies show that about a third of college students admit to binge drinking (consuming 5 or more drinks in a row.) The good news is that this number is down over 15% from over the last two decades, and actually, drinking trends in ALL categories are decreasing- whether the measurement is annual consumption, monthly, weekly or number of binging episodes. A great tool to educate yourself (or … Read more

Altitude Matters!

Skiing for spring break? Whether you prefer downhill or cross country skiing, remember that the high altitude might add in a few medical challenges. Be aware of signs and symptoms of “mountain sickness” (aka. altitude sickness) and if you are susceptible to this issue, look closely at ski resort ALTITUDES. Full disclosure, my destination of choice is Crested Butte, CO, which is one of the higher resorts…no pun intended.

HOW HIGH do you have to be for altitude sickness?
There is not a set elevation for typical mountain vacations that affects everyone. Symptoms are uncommon at altitudes below … Read more

Flu Tests 101

Flu season is in full force. If you have high fevers, intense headaches, screaming muscles, razor blade throat pain and/or a wicked cough, should you go get a flu test? How reliable are these rapid tests anyway?

Let’s cut to the chase: if you have flu symptoms and a POSITIVE rapid flu test (from a swab lovingly probed up inside your nose), YOU HAVE INFLUENZA. These positive tests are extremely accurate- typically 98-99%. This means they are very SPECIFIC tests- if the test says you have flu, there is a 98% chance that you really do have the flu, so … Read more

Starting to Exercise? Time for SOLE Searching!

If your New Year’s Resolutions include an exercise program, START by taking a close look at the BOTTOM of your shoes. If they look like mine in the picture above, get thee to a shoe store before you get moving with your walking/jogging/running plan. Note the smooth areas (not to mention the circular area trying to be an actual hole)- that means I have completely lost the tread and traction in that area.

Are new, good quality running shoes necessary? YES. After two decades of private practice (and seeing hurt knees, hips and ankles that might have been prevented … Read more

2018 SIMPLE Doctor Approved Master Cleanse

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2018!

This year, my theme is SIMPLE. Attention spans are decreasing as fast as our waistlines are increasing (coincidence? Hmm). With tongue firmly planted in cheek, I’m putting everything in my life on a “diet”- or at least a simplification plan, from our overflowing garage and closets, to medicine cabinets, to e-mail in-boxes, to my blog word count, and yes, my own body. Like many, I happily over-indulged in treats, sweets and celebratory liquid calories during the holidays, but now it’s time to face the scale, own the numbers and get to work.

How … Read more

2017 Resolutions – Take 2!

Here we are, staring back at nearly half of 2017 in the rear view mirror already…so how did you do on your 2017 New Year’s Resolutions? For those of you playing along with me, you know I changed things up this year with my 20-1-7 Challenge, trying ONE new healthy habit each week. What stuck? What dropped off? What was the biggest surprise?

Looking back, I’m happy to share that the vast majority of challenges “stuck” and are part of my life routine. Which challenges became permanent changes for me?

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Positive Twist: 20-1-7 Challenge Week #20: The Final Challenge!

Dr. Grimes’ 20-1-7 CHALLENGE:

  • For the first TWENTY weeks of this year,
  • Pick ONE healthy change every Sunday, and
  • Commit to that change for SEVEN days.

Positive Twist: 20-1-7 Challenge Week #20

A couple years ago, I heard a motivational speaker issue a challenge- every time that you find yourself saying or thinking something NEGATIVE, add a comma and a “but…”and finish the sentence with a positive twist. (I wish I could remember her name, to give credit- my apologies.) For my last weekly challenge, rather than focusing on a physical change, I thought it would be great to focus … Read more