Spring Break 2019: Alcohol Cheat sheet

Spring Break is here, and students everywhere are gearing up for a week-long party. ALCOHOL is typically a focus of these festivities, so here’s my #twitter-sized advice for every college student:

  • If you have a THIRD drink, you’re legally drunk. DON’T DRIVE. Please note, this is a third drink measured by the book (not a “college pour” of alcohol into a plastic red cup- those cups hold several servings in just one glass).
  • Prescription Pain Pills + ALCOHOL= DEATH! Narcotic pain killers like Vicodin or codeine often find their way to spring break as well, whether that is
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Best Valentines for your Sweetheart

Valentine’s Day evokes images of flowers, chocolates, and sumptuous dinners oozing with decadence…and I’m all about such celebrations! But February is often when the new-car-smell fades from our NYE resolutions, and boxes of zillion calorie chocolates enticing us from the kitchen counter are ultimately not such a loving gift-at least for the vast majority of us who’s health would benefit from weight loss. Does “just one” fancy dinner or box of candy ruin everything? Of course not! But why not make the EMPHASIS of your V-Day gift show that you support your loved one on a deeper basis? If so, … Read more

COLOR: Week #1: Ready for the 20-1-7 Challenge?

Dr. Grimes’ 20-1-7 CHALLENGE:

  • For the first TWENTY weeks of this year,
  • Pick ONE healthy change every Sunday, and
  • Commit to that change for SEVEN days.

COLOR: Week #1: Ready for the 20-1-7 Challenge?

Happy 2017! Are you New Year’s RESOLVING to improve your health? As a family physician, I hope the answer is YES! All of us have room for improvement, even if we are going from good to GREAT. Regardless of your starting point, I’d like to offer a new health strategy.

Simple enough, right? Obviously, feel free to KEEP that new healthy habit if it is … Read more