Cheers! I’m excited to share that the new, fully updated edition of The ULTIMATE College Student Health Handbook is now available both in stores and online!
What’s NEW? Well, I finished writing the first edition in December 2019, which was (barely) pre-pandemic. Updates obviously began, therefore, with COVID (*noting that recommendations will continue to evolve as we get more data). With online learning, the next immediate addition was practical and evidence-based tips for Zoom Fatigue. My favorite new topics, however, are ones we simply couldn’t squeeze into the first edition! Happily, today, they are just in time for Spring Break. Before you head to the beach, be sure to check out our new topics on stinging “No-See-Ums” of the Sea and “Bartender” or “Margarita” Dermatitis”. Additionally, since pharmaceuticals live in a constant state of flux, numerous products enter or are removed from the market each year. Therefore, you may also notice the many subtle medication changes in the recommendations, including a few over-the-counter products. Finally, we were fortunate to have room to include more wonderful illustrations by our favorite college animation major (who happens to be our younger daughter), Nicole Grimes!
What else is included?
Concussions, Migraines, and Hangovers
- ????????Test Anxiety, Insomnia, and Fear of Public Speaking
Sore Throats, Ear Aches, and Fever Blisters
Palpitations, Coughs, and Heartburn
Appendicitis, Constipation, and Food Poisoning
Sprains, Strains, and Broken Bones
Cuts, Rashes, Bites & Stings
Sex/STDs, Drugs, Piercings, and Tattoos
- ???? Shopping list for contents of the BEST College First Aid Kit
- ???? Quick reference “when to take what” in the First Aid Kit… AND so much more!!
By the way, if you have high school or college students in your life, I would so appreciate you sharing this post. As all of my friends know, this is my ABSOLUTE passion project, evolved from “cheat notes” that I would add in the personalized first aid kits that I made as high school graduation gifts (see pic below). This book is designed to help young adults deal with mostly common-and some not so common, but actually dangerous– illnesses, injuries and anxieties. We were so honored and pleased at how many awards the first edition earned, but more importantly, we were overwhelmed at the positive and appreciative feedback from young adults and their parents.
My “Bottom Line” today is a sincere THANK YOU from the BOTTOM of my heart.❤️
PS. I always encourage shopping at local bookstores first, but yes, The ULTIMATE College Student Health Handbook is available on amazon, too. Be sure you are ordering the NEW edition- it’s the one pictured with the maroon cover!